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Quality standards in literacy

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

This workshop presents the “quality” approaches implemented in the literacy sectors in Ireland, England, Scotland, Switzerland and in the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

There are major gaps between countries in their projects’ progress. Such discrepancies become all the more apparent when one analyses the requirements linked to national quality labels (when they exist), the organisation of course inspections, the training programme and trainer accreditation systems, etc.

Nevertheless, all partners present agree that the “quality” approach should be seen as an ongoing process, in which improvements are decided by all stakeholders.

Another important item highlighted during discussions is that, whichever “quality” approach is chosen, the learner should remain central to the process. The aim is not to obtain a label but to carry out quality literacy training.Some also underline the importance of “self-evaluation”, an exercise that should enable everyone to participate in an ongoing improvement process.

It is also essential to involve, from the very beginning, all stakeholders (administrative staff, trainers, learners, managers, etc.) in this approach, and to ensure total transparency throughout the process.