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PASS – Literacy and basic skills practices and policies

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The development of adult literacy and basic training is an essential element in building a European knowledge society. It is fundamental that those wishing, nearby their home, to have access to quality literacy, that takes their needs into account and is based on their active participation, be allowed to do so.

By literacy we mean the acquisition of basic knowledge necessary to develop active citizen participation, by adults who have never received schooling or by adults who, despite several years of schooling, cannot read or write, and understand, in whatever language, a simple text related to their everyday life.

Focussing on the analysis of literacy and basic knowledge acquisition practices and policies in preparation of a thematic seminar on these issues, the project will allow:

To identify, disseminate and enhance the value of the results, methodologies and good practices of literacy projects supported by Europe and more specifically by the Socrates and Grundtvig programmes. 

To initiate research and analysis, comparing practices and literacy policies in the different member States. To disseminate literacy practices and policies most appropriate to encourage active citizen participation.

It will create the necessary conditions to set up a European network gathering all literacy stakeholders, so as to develop the analysis and the exchange of their practices, to inform European, national, regional and local public authorities and to help them take decisions in the literacy and basic knowledge acquisition fields.