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Literacy and exclusion

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This workshop presents training carried out by AEFTI Savoie, addressing people in very precarious situations. In 99% of the cases, these are migrant women who are subjected to dual discrimination: on the one hand, the language barrier and, on the other, very difficult living situations (broken homes, family violence, drug addiction, housing shortage, etc.)

To enable trainees to follow the intensive courses (20 or 35 paid hours per week), AEFTI developed particular specifications including all the problems facing such a female population.

In order to register their own difficulties, the female trainers use the blazon tool. This is a sort of coloured identity card that the trainee makes herself, recalling, via an easy achievement, her identity, origin, itinerary, needs, dreams… without giving her the impression that she is revealing herself to the group.

Once these difficulties are better defined, trainers move on to a more individual type of training, at the rate of three hours per week for each trainee.

Such work is also made possible thanks to the many partnerships that the association maintains with the social services, honorary lawyers and local nursing homes.