Home > Le Mouvement > International > Projet PASS : Pratiques et politiques d’alphabétisation > Directory of european literacy resources

Directory of european literacy resources

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One of the quality criteria for projects supported by the Socrates programme is the development of “products” that last beyond the duration of the project and are disseminated further than the partners engaged in its implementation. It is however quite difficult to have access to these “products” that indeed could show useful for others.

Both our grass-root experience and a more in-depth analysis carried out thanks to the PASS project show that such resources remain rather unavailable. To be able to benefit from them, it is almost indispensable to be in direct contact with the persons or organisations that produced them. With this in mind, we have decided to publish this directory.

Download the complete directory (pdf) or take a look at each resource (pdf files).

1. Awareness raising and informing

2. Promoting and improving quality

3. Learning

4. Mathematics and sciences

5. Competence references

6. Family literacy

7. Learner participation

8. Writing workshops and artistic practices

9. Working on History and learner histories

10. Training trainers

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